Desgagnés Logistik Valport


The company's origins date back to 1968, when the Port of Valleyfield began serving local industry. Our location attracted an immediate clientele, and we built up a reputation for expertise in Arctic supply. Our strategy then was the same as it is today. Exploit our natural advantages. Offer a full range of services. Support them with the best team in the business.
Valport Marine Services was officially established in 1994 to manage the operation of the Port of Valleyfield. In recent years, Valport has grown rapidly in scope and depth, and our facilities have expanded significantly. We've become a major hub for the northeastern seaboard. We've also organized some of the world's most complicated industrial projects. We added new offices. An air-conditioned warehouse. A computerized manifesting system. We're also breaking new ground in short sea shipping. And let's not forget the freight associated with our Arctic projects. It began in 1968 when The Port of Valleyfield began serving local industry. Our location drew an immediate clientele, and we established a definitive expertise in Arctic re-supply. Our strategy then was as it is now. Leverage our natural advantages. Offer comprehensive services. And support it with the best crew in the business.
In 2023, Desgagnés expanded by acquiring the activities of Services Maritimes Valport inc. The business philosophies of Services Maritimes Valport and Desgagnés, supported by that of the Port of Valleyfield, are united in a common goal: to continue building relationships of trust, particularly with employees, as well as with all stakeholders and customers. We are committed to listening to their needs and offering them value-added services.
Today, DLI Valport embodies service, versatility, affordability and innovation. We continue to meet and exceed the most demanding logistics requirements.
Along the way, we're also redefining what it means to be innovative.